"A word after a word after a word is power”


Marcotte leaves Edwards campaign

It had to happen, I think. I'm sorry to see John Edwards lose Amanda Marcotte, who would have been a great asset to his campaign, but this "victory" for the bigot Donahue and his minions causes me very little actual angst. That's because, as idiots so often do, Bill Donohue has fucked up royally with this little campaign. Marcotte on her own, independent, and able to write whatever she damn well pleases, is way more dangerous to the Donohues of the world than she ever would have been working for a political campaign where she'd have to constantly be catering to the tastes and prejudices of the so-called mainstream. She says "it's on" and I believe her. It should be fun to watch.

Plus, with all the media attention he's stirred up, Donohue has managed to introduce a whole bunch of people to Marcotte and her blog Pandagon. Some of those people are, of course, right-wing extremist bigots and idiots like Donohue, but many, many more are going to be people who will check out the site, love what they read there and become part of the regular audience for Marcotte's writings.

Plus, the backlash from the attack has struck directly at Donohue himself, highlighting the fact that he is a real bigot and a hypocrite too. Now, more people than ever know not to pay attention to a thing he says.

I'm sure Marcotte didn't want to leave the Edwards campaign, but I have to say I wish all right-wing "wins" could be this good for those of us on the left.

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