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NBC Panders, Bans Chicks

I have to wonder whether this will turn out to be one of those "untrue" stories. Look at the source after all. Drudge doesn't have a very good record. Anyway, according to Matt the prat, NBC is refusing to run spots for the Dixie Chicks' upcoming movie because the Chicks aren't fans of President "I wanna be dictator" Bush.

If this is true, I have to ask ... what the snotflickin' fuck? Are the people running NBC on drugs? Bush's popularity is tanking. Now is not the time to pander to the Shrub and his sad little followers.

Actually, my guess is the people running NBC saw all the shit flung at Hugo Chavez for his remarks at the UN and the suits think they can get brownie points from Dubya for a little censorship. Or Cheney has them by the short hairs. (We are talking GE, after all.)

Whatever, all they're doing is guaranteeing the Chicks even more publicity, and not a little positive outrage.

All in all, there's not much way NBC can win on this one.

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